Our Story

Hi there, it's Paul and Terence here; thanks for stopping by!

We want to share with you the backstory of how the Plantd Journal was formed. I (Paul) was serving as a pastor in Singapore while Terence was (and still is) a full-time working professional with a young family in Australia.

Although our lifestyles could not be more different, we realised that we shared one common pain point: we both struggled to read our Bibles regularly. Balancing the responsibilities of family, career, and personal growth was often a struggle; and both of us found it difficult to prioritize reading the Bible. We spent years feeling guilty, stagnant, and isolated in our Christian faith.

If this sounds all too familiar, know for a fact that you are not alone! Over eight in ten Christians in Australia say they struggle to do their devotion daily. We are passionate about changing this statistic – it is our vision to see more people reading the Bible for themselves more regularly.

It’s time to stop feeling defeated in your Christian faith and start experiencing the blessings and fruitfulness that God promises to those who are planted in His Word.

Come with us on this exciting journey of discovering God’s Word together as a community where you can grow, support, and thrive. Discover how you can strike a balance and make time for what truly matters in life.

Join us on our mission to transform lives, one devotion at a time!

Meet the team

  • Terence Leong

    Terence Leong

    Co-founder, husband, father, respite carer & serial ice-cream lover

    Terence grew up in the foster care system; he spent a lot of his childhood struggling with school and eventually getting expelled. It would be hard for anyone who knew him as a child to believe that one day he would finish high school, let alone complete a Bachelor’s degree!

    Whilst growing up through the foster care system was difficult, he was fortunate enough to have had a Christian carer who helped gently guide him towards his faith in God, and ultimately changed the course of his life.   

    Terence is now happily married with two young energetic boys. Being able to share a tub of good quality ice-cream with his sons is the highlight of being a dad! He is also now in a position he never thought he would be in; he and his family are able to give back by respite care to children in need.

    Here at Plantd, Terence loves powering through a to-do list; his key functions is to manage the day to day operations, logistics & finances.

  • Paul Shi

    Paul Shi

    Co-founder, husband, pastor, watch enthusiast

    Paul became a Christian at the age of 12, and one of the best decisions he had ever made was to commit to reading the Bible on a regular basis.

    It was out of this passion of knowing God through the Word that led Paul on a journey from being a Management Consultant to going to Bible College to be a pastor.

    Paul has served in Churches in Australia and Singapore, and is passionate and committed to see intentional discipleship in the life of the Church. Paul believes that growing in the knowledge of the Scriptures is essential to personal discipleship.

    Paul continues to grow in his passion for God, and to see His Church thrive. He is currently helping different churches strengthen leadership culture and structure, build intentional discipleship platforms, and Preach the Bible.

    Here at Plantd, Paul loves creating, envisioning and meeting people to share the Plantd vision.

    Paul is married to the amazing Amanda Lee.